
Clarity Channels Communications was created by Erin Fogarty Owen, an award-winning integrated marketing communications expert, to offer clients a range of strategic communications services leveraging her unique professional experiences in higher education, national news, and government.

At the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Owen envisioned and built a full-service strategic communications unit to consistently tell the powerful story of the university. 

At NBC News, Owen worked on Tim Russert’s team at "Meet the Press" covering some of the biggest stories in the early 2000s including the death of John F. Kennedy Jr.; the explosion of Space Shuttle Columbia; the 2000 and 2004 presidential conventions and elections; the Bush vs. Gore Supreme Court case; the terrorist attacks of 9/11; the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; and the capture of Saddam Hussein. 

At the United States Senate, Owen received her big break by becoming a receptionist for Sen. Bob Kerrey (NE). She went on to serve as assistant communications director and co-led Kerrey's advance team to the 1996 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL, when he was chairman of the DSCC. She was creator and executive producer of "Kerrey & Company," the senator's statewide cable show. 

The cumulative know-how from these professional experiences is at the heart of the value offered by Clarity Channels Communications.


To assist people and organizations 
to adopt an obsession 
for clarity in communications.


To inspire all communications, everywhere, 
to achieve an obsessive level 
of accuracy and clarity.


Accuracy | Clarity

Persistence | Order